MONDAY the 15th

New Year! New opportunities.
Time to get everything here on the page
Birdy Concern to be, as I (CEO Björn BIRDY Vidlund) want it.
I took time off due to various things. Starting today,
the following will happen:

15/1 Handled the main menu; HOME, with all subpages.

16-17/1 Main menu: MEDIA is handled.
New subpages are created.

18-20/1 Main menu: MERCHANDICE,
handled in two different parts.
18-19/1 Main page MERCH part 1, with subpages created.
19-20/1 WordPress-Blog: Merch part 2, with material created.

21-22/1 Main menu: MEMBERS are handled with
Form to become a member. The page is removed.

23-24/1 Main menu: SERVICE is managed. English text.
25-26/1 WordPress-Blog: SERVICE is handled
with Swedish text.

27-28/1 Main menu sub-pages with content in Form,
edited and checked for service and maintenance.

29/1 The entire birdyconser.se is checked and tested for launch.
30/1 New prefix order: from birdyconser.se
to BirdyConcern.com is ordered.

The launch will be on the social channels mentioned
on Main Menu: MEDIA sub-page; Social pages.

TUESDAY the 16th

Today, BC removed the MEMBERS page from here
WordPress- birdyconsern.se
The reason is that I can use other pages here for the same purpose. For example HOME and SERVICE.

Tuesday the 30th

Changes under main menu: MEDIA and under page:
PODCAST and STREAM. Where the design in the text and corrections have been carried out. Other changes in the update are the schedule for when BIRDY Concern will create various parts listed in January- Monday the 15th.
These changes in the schedule apply to MEDIA, MERCH and SERVICE. The start date and implementation is postponed by at least one week. This also applies to certain orders of, for example, the prefix suffix. From birdyconsern.se to birdyconcern.com and the new launch of the site, will be changed to the month of May, BIRDY Concern will return with the date and time at a later date.

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