BC- Q & A

What does BIRDY Concern (BC) do?
On the Internet: Marketing- Brochures, Leaflets, Posters, Digital image processing (See Image-Bank), Graphic Design, Stream videos, Podcast audio files, Webdesign- WordPress-Wix-HTML5, Webshop (Merchandise), Coaching, Consulting assignments and more.

What does BIRDY Concern (BC) stand for?
Respond: Birdy (English), adjective = Possible Acts.
Bird (Swedish) adjective = Eventually and Works and /or Action.
And of course the animal Bird.

So BIRDY means: Possible action or Eventually action.
But also: All measures that can work eventually in the case of NOA/NtSA and Concora.
Which is that I should take my time and not try to get something done quickly in any way.

Concern (English), something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness;
“New York traffic is a constant concern”; “it’s a major worry”, something that interests you
because it is important or affects you; “the safety of the ship is the captain’s concern”,
a feeling of sympathy for someone or something; “She felt strong concern for those less fortunate”.

Concern (Swedish) is an economic constellation between independent companies in order to coordinate the activities that are included. Parent companies and subsidiaries together form a group. The definition of a subsidiary is that the parent company must have a controlling influence.

What can BC do in a Physical Place?
BIRDY Concern is under construction, and will be a similar Social Entrepreneurship, what services will be available WHAT you as an Entrepreneur or an Organization, both Private and Municipal and State, may need help with, small short direct efforts or in the longer term.

If you as an Entrepreneur/Organization do not find WHAT you are looking for, or/and want to hire BC as a ¤¤Salary Contribution service, give BC one or more Assignments ** as a Project ** or longer, email BIRDY Concern to this address: birdydesigntechinfo @ gmail .com

Hire me Björn BIRDY Vidlund BC-Owner as a Consultant* or within the ¤¤Salary Contribution service. Must be at least 5 years, with market-adjusted salary included and can be converted to employment within your company or organization within the mentioned time.

** Assignments /Projects** can both be transformed into employment within your company or organization within the mentioned time. With at least 4-6 years and have a market-adjusted salary according to the agreed assignment.

¤¤Salary Contribution – here is information from the Swedish Public Employment Service
here in Sweden.

About the employment
Together, we develop a plan to increase the employee’s work ability. The employee must have a salary in accordance with the collective agreement and other benefits that are in essential parts equivalent to the collective agreement in the industry.

Employ someone who has a reduced ability to work due to a disability,
such as a limited ability to move or mental illness.

There are three forms of wage subsidies:
Salary allowance for development in employment
Allowance for a person to try out a profession or be able to attend an education.
Salary allowance for employment
Allowance for adapting work and workplace for an employee.
Salary Contribution for security in employment
Long-term support for an employee to be able to keep their job.

We make an assessment
The level of the wage subsidy is affected by the wage cost and ability to work of the person you want to employ. Together with you, we make an assessment of the person’s ability to work. You can receive a subsidy for the part of the salary cost that is not higher than a gross salary of SEK 20,000 per month for full-time. It is also possible for you to receive a development grant for development efforts.
>> End of information from the Swedish Public Employment Service. <<

How can a company reach BC? If I want to make a Donation, how do I do it?
Respond: First fill in the form on the page- SERVICE/Or send an email to: birdydesigntechinfo@gmail.com And then go through the information you now get and click on the link that comes with it. The format of the document that comes to you is in the form of a PDF file or if you want a WORD document. You choose which one, write down your questions and desired goals, and BIRDY Concern (BC) will hear from you within 1 week.

Internet Download Problems?
Respond: Write to this email addres: birdydesigntechinfo@gmail.com
And you will have a new direct PDF or Compressed file.
Remeber to write down your name and mail addres and wich file you did´n get.

What is BIRDY Concern?
Respond: Is divided to:
Physical Place: BIRDY Concern is under construction,
and will be a similar Social Entrepreneurship.
On Internet: Consulting and Marketing Entrepreneur. Whit Podcast/Stream and Videoblog.

Where can I find BIRDY Concern?
Respond: In diverse social pages:

This internet site: birdyconcern.se later it will be: BIRDY Concern.com

Youtube.com– link adress.
Facebook.com Birdy’s Community | Facebook Are under Working progress.
Instagram.com– link adress.
Twich.tv– link adress.
Twitter.com– link adress.
Wix.com– Here comes, but not entirely sure: Be an Online Store for other things, there will be a lot of Affiliate links and other similar material devices.
And the Fysical place– Gotenborg Sweden

A: And what rules should you follow?
B: What gives me a membership?

A: How to become a member?
Welcome as a member of BIRDY Concern, the simplest form is by becoming a Subscriber on, among others: Youtube.com and Twich.tv
You register via email to: birdydesigntechinfo@gmail.com
Enter your full name and “nickname”, and where you found me. Enter your size on the T-shirt.
Your postal address, postal code and City, as well as country. Read the rules, approve them in a form that you receive via your email address. And send it back. After some time you resev the member t-shirt and documents plus other stuff.

B: What the membership provides:
Invitation to Discord chat. Discount on merchs for a whole month.
Various Planned Events. The schedule for both the Podcast and Stream channels.
A free BC designed T-shirt in your size, via your postal address.
You will be invited to various Co-Up with interviews and get to choose which country MAW-Music Around the World will handle and more. Get to be one with the author, It all depends on which of the four levels will be on a payment site such as: Patreon.com or other similar sites.

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